Conflux Retirement Coaching

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Navigating The Tough Patches

When I recently hit an especially tough patch, I realized my sense of humor had vanished as the challenges increased. I joked, "I think I broke my funny bone, and I don't know how to fix it…" It felt true! Fun was fleeting, and I couldn't recapture it.

I know I'm not alone in this. We all face overwhelming difficulties at different points in our lives. And as members of the "Club Sandwich Generation" (balancing aging parents, adult children, and grandchildren), we may experience an increase in those difficult patches (along with the wonderful ones!).

So, what can help us return to solid ground and find the fun again?

The answer varies for each of us:

Some might immerse themselves in humor by watching comedies, sharing jokes, or keeping a humor journal. Others might lift their spirits by spending time with funny people or poking fun at themselves.

For me what works is:

  • Acknowledging the situation is difficult and accepting that I'm struggling. It lifts a weight and makes me feel more "normal."

  • When I'm ready, shifting my perspective from gravity to levity helps a lot. Finding the light in a challenging situation lifts another weight for me.

  • And when the time is right, stepping back and looking at the situation with curiosity allows me to distance myself from the heaviness and form a new outlook. This mindset shift helps me find my way back to the fun.

Life is full of ups and downs. The key is finding what best helps us work through the lows to return to the highs. Time is precious. Don’t allow the difficulties to overshadow the beauty and promise that each day brings.

Conflux Retirement Coaching is about merging the best of who you are with who you want to be. Let’s connect and explore what brings you joy and fun in life and infuse that into your retirement plans. And, if there are challenges in the road ahead, let’s navigate them together as we smooth out the rough patches and create your roadway to a fulfilling next chapter.