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Sales - Sore Subject?

Photo by Amy Hirschi

For so many people, the thought of sales brings up visions of fast talkers, duping, schemes and worse! If you fall into this camp, it may feel impossible or inauthentic to contact potential clients and share your product or service.

Yet, sales are key to business success. So how do you reconcile this disconnect?

Often, it starts with exploring our perspective. If we view sales as slimy or a necessary evil, we may be telegraphing this in our client interactions. We may focus more on some slick or canned approach rather than allowing the conversation to have a natural ease and flow. Or, because of our negative connotation with sales, we may avoid reaching out to potential clients, allowing other priorities to get in the way. Whether it’s pouncing or procrastinating, neither approach is likely to bring about the results we’re looking for and are capable of. So, what to do?

Maybe consider the undo first! What if you step back to the beginning, to where sales all start? The Customer.  What if you take some time to consider the person behind the label of "Customer". After all, you began your business with that person in mind when determining how you would fill a need and/or resolve their pain point.  Contemplate that vision again:

  • Who was that customer?

  • What need did they have that you were going to meet?

  • What would propel the customer to choose your solution?

  • What might stand in the way of your customer moving forward with your product or service?

  • How would that customer be most receptive to considering your solution?

  • If the customer did go forward, what would make the outcome a win-win?

  • If the customer didn’t go forward, what could be a win-win from your interaction?

These questions and more begin to paint the picture of a conversation, an understanding, mutual respect for that individual’s needs. It begins to shine a light on the opportunity to view each customer interaction as valuable. Instead of narrowly focusing on The Sale, there's a positive shift toward opening up the relationship and dialogue. This consideration is time and thought well spent.  The resulting outcomes can include a sale; a referral to someone who does need your solution; a greater understanding of your market’s requirements; refinement of your part in the conversation; a surfacing of additional training requirements.

If we step back from repeating sales approaches or practices that aren’t effective, that make us uncomfortable and/or don’t represent who we are and what our company stands for, we can take a fresh look at the why behind sales. We can see the connection between maximizing every contact by starting at the beginning and allowing the relationship to unfold from there.

We demonstrate our values like listening, responding and respecting through our consistent and relevant follow-up.  And, when appropriate, we present our solution knowing that, regardless of the outcome, we’re all winners.

At Conflux Business Coaching we focus on Small Business and your vision of success. If you have “Sales Sore Spots”, we can help. Let’s connect and talk about where you are and where you want to be.