Filling Time vs Fulfilling Time

Bored after retirement? We can help retirees plan for a fulfilling retirement.

“The cult of busy” (a phrase coined by John Hopkins researchers) is woven into our everyday lives. We are constantly under pressure to be productive, multitask, and fill every moment of our day with activities. Being busy has, for many, become a status symbol, and wearing our busyness a sort of badge of honor. Unfortunately, this way of being doesn’t automatically go away when we retire

Many people in retirement double down on busy, wanting to appear just as productive, relevant, or satisfied post-career.

I see this in some of my clients who are unaware of how this constant state of busyness takes a toll on mental and physical health and, among other things, can lead to:
·     chronic stress, which has far-reaching health implications
·     burnout which degrades our quality of life
·     social isolation and a lack of meaningful connections

While the busyness factor has been ingrained in most of us since childhood, it can be recognized and reversed. Some simple steps that can help:

✔ Mindset: see the problem and shift from valuing the number of activities and commitments we’re choosing to be engaged in, to the quality of how we’re spending our time

✔ Self-care: incorporate daily self-care practices (taking breaks, exercising, meditating, getting into nature), which allows us to slow the pace down so we can stay present and aware of how we’re choosing to spend our time

✔ Meaningful connections: prioritize whom we’re spending time with, so we build and nurture relationships that are important to us

The cult of busy continues to be a harmful trend that can have a detrimental effect on the quality of our lives. By being mindful and intentional about how we choose to spend our time, we can combat the adverse effects of busyness and lead more fulfilling lives.

Take a moment and consider: What is on your to-do list today that is time-filling but not fulfilling? What’s holding you back from letting it go? Life is precious. Taking the time to reflect on time and how you’re spending it will support you in making the most of retirement and this exciting next chapter. 

Conflux Retirement Coaching is about merging the best of who you are with who you want to be. Let’s connect and explore what will be meaningful and fulfilling for you in your retirement life chapter.

Wendy Leggett

I help Women successfully transition from their careers to a fulfilling and purpose-driven retirement. Retirement is a well-earned and exciting next chapter, but for many, the thought of retirement brings up feelings of confusion, uncertainty, or stuckness. I don't want my clients to waste precious time as they attempt to sort it out. Through my interactive group programs and individualized focus sessions, I offer comprehensive tools, exercises and support. I share my background and skills gained through my 25+ years in Sales Leadership and certifications as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC, ACC), Mental Fitness (CPQC) and Certified Professional Retirement Coach (CPRC). All of this comes together beautifully as we design your retirement roadmap, your plan for a retirement built on clarity, conviction, and commitment.

Retirement by Design


There’s Gold in the Gap