Retirement by Design

Make intentional choices in your retirement transition journey.

Retirement by design, not default, is my work’s focus. I support my clients in recognizing and seizing the opportunity to make intentional choices in this new chapter versus getting swept along by other people's expectations or parameters.

Many people facing or experiencing retirement don't assume an active role in their destiny; instead, they let life carry them along. Whether they make this choice consciously or unconsciously, the results can be dissatisfaction, disconnection, or, at the very least, lost time before they realize they're living someone else's vision.

So why do people hold back from thinking about what they want, who they want to be, and what's possible in retirement? And what is needed to support them in taking a further step in by developing a plan to make it happen? Often it's not having clarity on how even to start or hesitation about what choices to make.

Design can help get things underway. In this case, simply put, design begins with:
 -deconstructing the piece parts of our lives
-looking at the elements-
     -what do we want to keep
     -what do we want to let go of
     -what do we want more of
-putting the pieces back in a way that reflects us and our vision.

Industrial Designer, Ayse Birsel, sheds some light on why design is so robust. She shares that “design creates optimism, and optimism provides courage”.

If you or someone you know is holding back from embracing the retirement chapter, I encourage you to get engaged with your vision, take a closer look at the piece parts of what you see as your best life, and then get designing. Beautiful things are sure to happen!

Conflux Retirement Coaching is about merging the best of who you are with who you want to be. Let’s connect and explore what will be meaningful and fulfilling for you in your retirement life chapter. Live a life by your design.

Wendy Leggett

I help Women successfully transition from their careers to a fulfilling and purpose-driven retirement. Retirement is a well-earned and exciting next chapter, but for many, the thought of retirement brings up feelings of confusion, uncertainty, or stuckness. I don't want my clients to waste precious time as they attempt to sort it out. Through my interactive group programs and individualized focus sessions, I offer comprehensive tools, exercises and support. I share my background and skills gained through my 25+ years in Sales Leadership and certifications as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC, ACC), Mental Fitness (CPQC) and Certified Professional Retirement Coach (CPRC). All of this comes together beautifully as we design your retirement roadmap, your plan for a retirement built on clarity, conviction, and commitment.

Maximizing Transitions


Filling Time vs Fulfilling Time