Learning-Life’s Elixir

When I chose to change careers several years ago and went back to school to earn my coaching certification and accreditations, I discovered that my learning muscle had all but atrophied! Giving full attention to instructors, reading materials, and the study needed to prep for exams and portfolio work felt foreign and a bit overwhelming. Speaking up in class and sharing my perspective felt awkward and intimidating.

 But I hung in there and discovered a renewed energy, motivation, and confidence in myself and my abilities, along with a world of ideas and people beyond my present experiences. I recognized the truth that learning is vital at any age. It supports growth, adaptability, and mental well-being. 

And yet, as we age, many of us miss out on or avoid the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. Transitioning from work to retirement can exacerbate this decline in learning.
It’s vital that we recognize the many benefits of staying on the path of lifelong learning such as:
Mental Stimulation: Lifelong learning keeps minds sharp, preventing cognitive decline and boosting mental well-being.
Personal Growth: It allows you to explore new hobbies, develop skills, and find self-fulfillment.
Social Engagement: Learning can be social, helping you connect with like-minded individuals and avoid isolation, of special importance when we age.
Adapting to Change: Continuous learning keeps you up-to-date with advancements, fostering adaptability in a rapidly changing world.
Health Benefits: Research shows that learning positively affects overall health, enhancing memory and problem-solving abilities.
Continued Contribution: Retirement doesn't mean the end of contributing to society; your wisdom can make a meaningful impact on others' lives.
So, think about what matters to you and gain the knowledge to bring it to life, whether taking a class, attending a lecture, joining a book club, pursuing a degree, or more. Step out of your comfort zone into the world of learning. It can be energizing and life-giving!

Conflux Retirement Coaching is about merging the best of who you are with who you want to be. Working together we’ll open the doors to learning, changing, growing, and expanding. I can’t wait to connect with you!

Wendy Leggett

I help Women successfully transition from their careers to a fulfilling and purpose-driven retirement. Retirement is a well-earned and exciting next chapter, but for many, the thought of retirement brings up feelings of confusion, uncertainty, or stuckness. I don't want my clients to waste precious time as they attempt to sort it out. Through my interactive group programs and individualized focus sessions, I offer comprehensive tools, exercises and support. I share my background and skills gained through my 25+ years in Sales Leadership and certifications as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC, ACC), Mental Fitness (CPQC) and Certified Professional Retirement Coach (CPRC). All of this comes together beautifully as we design your retirement roadmap, your plan for a retirement built on clarity, conviction, and commitment.


A Call to Action


Purpose through Planning