BEyond Expectations

An 8 session group program that guides participants into retirement with clarity and conviction so they can create a positive empowered future.

Time is precious, and we are never going to have more of it.

We want to make the most of these days and years ahead, but the truth is, all we are promised is today.

In BEyond Expectations you are going to explore and get crystal clear on  what’s important and meaningful TO YOU  in this upcoming life chapter. We are going to work together so you gain confidence and commitment in answering pivotal questions like…

Who do I  want to be?

Who do I want to share this time with?

What will be meaningful and fulfilling to me?

These are big questions.

They may be ones that you’ve not asked yourself in a while. They may be ones that are holding you back from stepping fully into the promise of retirement. And I want you to know that that’s okay. But imagine how great it would be to have the tools and a pathway to answering these questions. To  be a part of a group of like-minded individuals who support you as you uncover your thoughts, discover your passions and move from stuck or unsure to clear and committed to yourself and your future in retirement.

Feels pretty amazing, doesn’t it?

At the end of our time together in “BEyond Expectations” you will not only have created a roadmap that guides you into retirement but you’ll also have…

  • An empowered, uplifted feeling about the years ahead

  • A commitment to yourself and what you value 

  • An expanded view of what’s possible

  • Balance among all the aspects of your life that are important to you

  • Tools and insights that support you when you waver from your vision

  • Awareness of what is holding you back from being all you want to be and ways to move forward powerfully and with conviction


“Happiness is not a's a by-product of a life well lived.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

 I always thought the only thing to plan for in retirement was how to make it happen financially, until I understood that the financial aspect is only ONE of multiple core aspects that allows us to make the most out of the years ahead.

And maybe you’ve wondered about this too. After all, we know that money, which is external to us, doesn’t buy happiness. But how do we start from the inside out ?

How do we find the key to what makes US feel alive and fulfilled?

From what we see and hear, it feels like everyone around us has the answer. But do they? Are they living a life of design or default- a life that they created or that they compromised into? This is what I discovered as I dug deep into what life could look like in retirement and this is what I want to share with you: There is a pathway to go beyond the financials.

There is a pathway to feeling yours has been a life well-lived. Together we will uncover what that pathway looks like for you as you make conscious, intentional decisions about YOUR life and what’s meaningful and worthwhile to you.

What you’ll get when you join us inside the 8 session BEyond Expectations

  • Bi-weekly Group Sessions that are interactive, informative and action-oriented 

  • Sharing and connecting with like-minded members 

  • Pre and Post session exercises to capture the learning

  • Bi-weekly Private Coaching  Sessions focused on your specific questions and needs

  • BEyond Expectations Success Kit so you have tools + resources you can use again and again 

  • On-going  Accountability Check-in’s to keep the momentum strong

Are you ready to get started?

BEyond Expectations Retirement Group Program

Next cohort:

September 23 - November 11, 2024 at 11am PST 

Your Investment:


 Your success story is next…

 Hi, I’m Wendy and as a former sales leader I had the opportunity to build and sustain incredible client relations that resulted in fantastic outcomes related to greater brand visibility, market share and profitability for the wide-range of companies I represented. 

But I wanted more! I wanted to take the connection, the desire to serve, the need to create, and the commitment to achieve results through action and share it in a different way. So I made a huge decision by honoring my inner voice. I decided to make a 180 career shift to coaching and I discovered this is where I belonged all along.  I went back to school and earned my professional certified coach designation,certifications in positive thinking and retirement life planning (CPC, ACC, CPQC, CPRC, CRLC).

Now I help women like you step into retirement through design versus default so you can live with more purpose, passion and peace.

So, are you ready to create YOUR retirement?  Join me and together we’ll make it happen!
