An interactive 8-week workshop that provides the how-tos for building and maintaining a positive outlook for a richer and more fulfilling retirement. 

We have a lifetime of patterns, thoughts and perspectives that we bring with us into retirement. Some can support us but many can sabotage us. 

In “Mindset Matters”, we expose the negative ideas and actions that hold us back from living our best life. We will  work together as you acquire and apply tools and skills that will empower you as you navigate situations like…

Wanting to use my voice but lacking the confidence to speak up

Wishing my needs, not just those of others, could be filled

Noticing that my mind is everywhere but in the present

Reacting in the moment rather than reflecting and responding

Seeing the cup ½ empty when I want to see it ½ (or more!) full

These are very real experiences and perspectives.

They may be ones that you’ve been grappling with for a while. And they may be getting in the way of you being your best self and feeling like you’re living your best life. I want you to know that you’re not alone. So often we’re painfully aware of what’s holding us back but unclear of what to do about it. But imagine how great it would be to:

~learn how to powerfully and positively address and overcome these and similar situations. 

~acquire how-tos that guide you in the shift from negative to positive, from obstacle to opportunity, from upset to uplift. 

~be a part of a supportive group who, like you, want to learn ways to look at life and live their life with a growth mindset and positive perspective.

Feels pretty amazing, doesn’t it?

 At the end of our time together in “Mindset Matters” you will not only have learned what thoughts, beliefs and actions are sabotaging you, but you’ll also have…

  •  An understanding of where those negative emotions are coming from so you can let them go, accept them or reframe them

  •  A process to quiet your mind so you feel both relaxed and focused

  • The tools to shift from negative to positive

  • The ability to see that any circumstance can be turned into a gift or an opportunity

  • The clarity that supports you in moving forward, empowered and in action

  • An outlook that is elevating for you and all those you touch


“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”

-Willie Nelson

By this point in my life I thought that it would be hard, if not impossible, to change my view of myself, others and circumstances.

 I figured that my patterns and perceptions were deeply ingrained and I didn’t think I had agency to change them. And then I learned that there was a simple process, mapped out in the Positive Intelligence work of Shirzad Chamine, that could support me in making the changes within myself that would have a positive and profound effect on me and on those around me. 

Maybe you’re feeling this desire to change too but you don’t know how or where to begin. 

And, if  you’re like me, there’s a lot of baggage that has piled up over the years which, even though it wears us down, we kind of get used to the weight of it all (disappointment, hurt feelings, unrealized expectations, etc.) But I also knew that I had feelings of unrest and discomfort. I wanted to move past these thought patterns that seemed to pull me back or pull me down. At this point in my life, I knew that I wanted to be more open, feel more deeply connected, respond better under pressure and represent my best self more often and more consistently.

I discovered the pathway to making this happen and I continue to make great strides in shifting into this place of clarity, presence, peace and purpose.

I learned how to throw that baggage I was carrying around out the window and also how to convert it into bundles of optimism and opportunity. And I’d love to share the process and tools with you. Together we’ll discover what will support you in moving forward into retirement with an outlook of possibility and positivity too.

 What you’ll get when you join us inside the 8-week Mindset Matters

  • Weekly Group Sessions that are interactive, informative and action-oriented 

  • Learning, sharing and connecting with like-minded women

  • Weekly instructional videos presented by Positive Intelligence creator Shirzad Chamine

  • App based exercises for habit building (with access for a full year)

  • Monthly Private Coaching  Sessions focused on your specific questions and needs

  • On-going  Accountability Check-in’s to keep the momentum strong

Are you ready to get started?

Mindset Matters Group Program

Next cohort:

July 2 - August 20, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST

Your Investment:


 Your success story is next…

 Hi, I’m Wendy and as a former sales leader I had the opportunity to build and sustain incredible client relations that resulted in fantastic outcomes related to greater brand visibility, market share and profitability for the wide-range of companies I represented. 

But I wanted more! I wanted to take the connection, the desire to serve, the need to create, and the commitment to achieve results through action and share it in a different way. So I made a huge decision by honoring my inner voice. I decided to make a 180 career shift to coaching and I discovered this is where I belonged all along.  I went back to school and earned my professional certified coach designation,certifications in positive thinking and retirement life planning (CPC, ACC, CPQC, CPRC, CRLC).

Now I help women like you bring increased positivity and feelings of possibility into retirement so their relationships, their activities, and their days and years ahead feel more meaningful and fulfilling.

o, are you ready to create YOUR retirement?  Join me and together we’ll make it happen!
