
Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

Retirement by Design

Retirement by design, not default, is recognizing and seizing the opportunity to make intentional choices in this new chapter versus getting swept along by other people's expectations or parameters…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

Filling Time vs Fulfilling Time

We are constantly under pressure to be productive, multitask, and fill every moment of our day with activities. Being busy has, for many, become a status symbol, and wearing our busyness a sort of badge of honor…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

There’s Gold in the Gap

We begin our Business with a Vision and Purpose. We see a need and know we can fill that need. As we progress with building the Business, we may see a disconnect between our goals and our actuals. We can find ourselves moving but not advancing…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

The Customer is Key

As business owners or sales leaders, we're well aware of the theory that it all starts and ends with the Customer. Yet, when caught up in the day-to-day challenges of business…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

Learning - Make it Purposeful

I continue to face a harsh truth. I am a consumer of knowledge much more than a producer. I love to learn and fill my head with new ideas, different perspectives, concepts and more. As a business leader, do you connect with this…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

Saving Time-The Struggle

Managing time is a prime challenge for many business owners. A need to save time, never enough time, not the best use of time, the list and the struggle continue….

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Guest User Guest User

Sales - Sore Subject?

For so many people, the thought of sales brings up visions of fast talkers, duping, schemes & worse! If you fall into this camp, it may feel impossible or inauthentic to contact potential clients …

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

The Path or The Prize?

As a small business owner, being goal-oriented and constantly working toward your vision of success comes with the territory…

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Wendy Leggett Wendy Leggett

Slow down to Gear up

What do you think about Meditation? Do you have a daily practice or are you like I was- not just skeptical about the value of meditation but, even further, seeing it as a waste of time…

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